Pushed for time

Pushed for time? 3 ways to practice face yoga…

Here in the western world be always seem, to be pushed for time, rushing here and there.  In addition to managing ourselves, there are the kids, the partner, the house, the job… is it any wonder we often put our health needs to one side?

When it comes to health, I often hear people say, ‘I just don’t have the time’, but in the same breath they will say that they want to be fitter and healthier.  ‘If only there was a health regimen that isn’t so time consuming!!!’ 


Tah Dah!!!  Face Yoga

Here is where face yoga comes into its own.  You don’t need to set out a designated time, you don’t need fancy equipment and your face goes everywhere you do, so if you aren’t worried about pulling funny faces, then you can do face yoga absolutely anywhere!!!

“Anywhere!” I hear you say.  Well, other than on my yoga mat, I have 3 key places that I practice face yoga and if you give these ideas a try, I promise that by the end of every day you will have achieved around 10-15 minutes of face yoga practice – perfect!!!


In the steam…

The first place is in the shower – this is a perfect time to do a bit of face yoga.

If you’re like me, I like to just stand in the water for a few minutes while I wake up and it is at this point that I grab the opportunity to pull a few moves – Face Yoga that is!!!

I love doing the Forehead Freeze to release tension and strengthen the frontalis muscle reducing and preventing lines and wrinkles and then the Swan Neck to tighten the skin around my neck and jaw.


Forehead Freeze and the swan face yoga poses


Let’s get glowing…

The next place is when I put my make-up on.

When applying foundation, you could try pulling the Big ‘O’.  This is a great pose to increase the circulation, boosting collagen & elastin production and it also smooths out the naso-labial lines.

Applying mascara can cause us to wrinkle our foreheads but if you use the Eyebrow Lift you can avoid the wrinkles whilst opening your eye enough to get an even application.

You could also choose to implement the Cheek Lifter, an excellent way to firm and lift the cheeks whilst applying your favourite shade of lippy.

The Big O and the Cheek Lifter face yoga poses

Shhh! Don’t tell anyone…

My last, and a little bit strange suggestion is – every time you go to the toilet!!!

This is the one, or maybe several, times a day place that you can hide yourself behind a closed door and do some of the funnier looking moves.  Every time you pop to the loo, pull a pose.

My favourites are the Smile Smoother, to reduce lines around the mouth, tone the jaw and lift the cheeks.  The Owl is wonderful for toning the forehead to reduce lines and wrinkles and the Pufferfish is another great exercise for strengthening and tightening the cheek muscles.

in the loo


A little is a lot…

Of course, the very best way to benefit from face yoga is to dedicate time to a full practice.  Face yoga is so much more than just the exercises. When you add the massage, acupressure, and relaxation techniques you have a practice that not only has huge benefits on your face but your overall health and wellbeing too. A regular face yoga class can teach you all of these things.

However, if all you can manage is a couple of poses snatched in brief moments of time throughout the day then that is fantastic too.  As you start to practice the exercises regularly, you will begin to see the changes in your face, your health, and your confidence.

For me, face yoga is a daily non-negotiable.  I like to start my morning with a 10-minute face yoga practice and a bit of body yoga too, then, throughout the day I add a few more techniques, as I’ve outline above, so that by the time I go to bed at night I know I have done the very best for my face and my health.


How you can give Face yoga a try…

If you would like to see what face yoga can do for you why not get a copy of my FREE “The 5-minute face lift without a knife and needles” guide.  This PDF and video guide outlines 6 key face yoga poses for younger looking skin and can be yours when you click the link. https://bit.ly/5-minutefacelift

You can also get more face yoga videos, skincare advice and wellbeing tips by joining my Facebook community ‘The Glow Club’:   https://bit.ly/TheGlowClub

Love & Light

Jacki x 

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Puppy Love

Hi I'm Jacki

A self confessed Face Yoga Junkie, I’m really excited to be sharing the amazing health benefits of this wonderful practice with you.

I live in Chelmsford, UK and love hanging out with my family, friends and Bella the dog.

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